Monday, October 13, 2008

The mother of glass beads, glass pendants-----glass material

“Arts & crafts” plays a big role in our life. Its definition varies from individual to individual.

To me, when it comes to “Arts & crafts”, I will have a strong passion about “glass”, May be you wonder why, It is just because that it is my job.

More and more people know about glass, so they may have a clear idea about glass beads, glass pendants, and glass fashion jewelry .

At the beginning of people learning glass beads, glass pendants and glass fashion jewelry , they always wonder: what are such beautiful products made of? The ansvwer is “glass rods”.

Today, someone who gave me a call asking for glass rods, I said:’ dear sir, could you tell me what kind of glass rods you need”? The customer told me he needs millefiori glass rods.

Actually, there are some kinds of glass rods: single color glass rods, millefiori glass rods and cane beads glass rods. There are made of the same material, but have something different during the process of pulling them, so the result turned out to be that they are respectively.

So some unique glass beads are determined by the difference of glass rods. GLASS BEADS MATERIAL

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